Enrico Maltoni, espresso machine collector on Ciao Come Stai
Enrico Maltoni, collector of beautiful espresso coffee machines on Rai 1, "Ciao, come stai?" - epi-sode from 22nd July 2013
Trieste Coffee Experts - an event which aims to develop new tools and strategies for spreading the culture of quality coffee by bringing together experts from the coffee world to discuss the subject.www.facebook.com/TRIESTECOFFEEEXPERTSVideo filming: Fantastificio Srl, Daniela Crismani, Daniele Delle Donne
Video editing: Daniela Crismani
Music: Jahzzar - Haunted
Coffee Makers: presentation of the book on TG2's Eat Parade - 15th November 2013
Coffee Makers on TG2’s Eat Parade, a few very important seconds for presenting the book written by Enrico Maltoni and Mauro Carli. Coffee Makers an encyclopaedia of coffee makers.